Tag Archives: boy

The Choir Boy

Several years ago A friend of mine’s wife passed away. She was a very nice lady and everyone loved her. Her husband Joe knew everyone in town and had a big family. I was friends with most of them.

A service was held at a local church.  I arrived on time but the church was full. I looked around but no seats were available. I went upstairs to the balcony where I found Sparro, a friend and the son.  Sperro is a good singer and plays the guitar. He was set up in the balcony to sing a song for his deceased mom during the service. The balcony looked full to me but I gave Sparro my condolences  and he pointed out a seat on the other side of the balcony.  He said ” There’s a seat over there Jer, go over there”  So I quickly did, not wanting to disrupt the proceedings that seemed to be beginning.

The seat was in the front row so I had a really great view of everything and everyone in the seating below. The service got started and everything was beautiful. They announced that Sperro was going to sing a song for his mom and he did. It was very emotional for everyone. Then they announced that the choir would sing one of her favorite songs.  With that everyone in my section stood up with hymnal in hand and began to sing.  I found my self sitting in the first row of the choir without a book lip syncing songs I did not know.  I was handed a book that I opened to any page to make it look as though I knew what I was doing. As I looked down below at all the people. It  seemed most if not all had turned around in their seats to see the choir and listen to the music. I could read their lips. Look, Jerry’s in the choir. 🙂  I thought I was gonna die. Thought and thought what to do. Should I walk off ?  Should I remain seated ?  I was mortified. I decided to stand there and do my best milli vanilli lip sync  till it was over and I could crawl out of there.

Nothing no matter how bad it is, nothing  lasts forever. I stuck it out and no one it seems knew the difference except for about fifteen people standing behind me wondering who the heck I was and what the heck I was doing there.       Somewhere each Sunday there is a Choir looking for a Choir-boy that never returned. I will never make that mistake again.  And thats the truth.